My specialities
- Learning and development strategy
- Train the trainer
- Managerial transformation
- Leadership development
- Individual & collective coaching
Get to know Soufyen ...
Bonjour, Sabah al kheir & Hello! I am Soufyen, a French-Tunisian happy husband & father. Clients describe me as people development expert, a L&D consultant, a coach & trainer. What drives is the willingness to help companies & persons to reach their objectives by focusing on people competencies, indeed I strongly believe people development leads to performance development!
Dynamic, concrete and solution oriented are pillars for me in my way of working.
My background
After my university studies in France, I started my career as a manager in Retail with “people oriented” management style. My management curriculum led me to Learning & Development with trainer & training manager positions.
In 2011, I had the great opportunity to go outside my comfort zone by living abroad, with my family, with a challenge of creating & leading L&D department. To make it brief, as a L&D Director, I had the opportunity to lead an international perimeter of 35 countries with a multicultural team of 50 persons! That changed my life!
In 2018, I came back to Paris with another challenge as L&D Director for a French company based in 20 countries. Thanks to those experiences, I decided to support companies in their projects and transformations as international consultant. Additional to this, I am also a HR speaker for LinkedIn France. My “people oriented” style never left me and that is why I love helping and developing others.
My approach
Listen, understand, propose, and move forward with actions!
All starts with the capacity of listening to understand and then, collectively, we can make it happen. Obviously, I believe in people development by daring, by taking initiatives and always keep on learning. The best way to describe my approach is this Mike Horn quote: “To start walking you only need 5% of the answers to your questions. You will find the 95% on the way. The ones who want 100% never leave”.