My specialties
- TeamEnergy
- Team coaching
- Team development
- Organisational advice and strategic issues
- Leadership development
Connect with Cees
Get to know Cees ...
For me, it’s always about the balance between performance and fun. At home, in sport and at work. Clients describe me as energetic, curious, quick-witted and practical. I enjoy working in a complex and dynamic environment where substantive and process-oriented demands are made of my performance. That is when the utmost is demanded of me and I like that.
I work transparently and believe in the power of cooperation, development and learning. I get energy from dealing with people and searching together for answers to personal or organisational questions. Sport plays an important role in my life. Not because I am good at it, definitely not. But because for me it is an outlet, a moment of relaxation and fun.
My background
I am originally a technical business administrator. After working at the Ministry of Defence, I made the switch to business. I soon discovered that technology was not really my thing after all, but dealing with people was. I have held various managerial positions, as a line manager but also in programmes and projects. For the last 15 years or so, I have focused entirely on people. And especially people working together in teams on performance.
My starting point in everything I do is “slow down to accelerate”. It is always the challenge for me personally, I find that this is also the case for my clients.
My specialism is mainly in teams. After extensive scientific research into team cooperation and the role and influence of energy in it, I developed a body of thought, a theory, on team development. I like to apply this, it gives me energy and more importantly: it works!
Working with energy in teams is my specialism, but it is also my passion. Working with TeamEnergy gives me energy and much more importantly: it helps teams and team members to work together, to perform well and to have fun. Because for me, that is the essence: performance and fun that go hand in hand.