Legal information

General terms and conditions

What you need to know when engaging with us. What are your rights, what do we expect and what are our terms and conditions.



Privacy beleid

COURIUS respects your privacy and declares that it will treat your personal data confidentially. Respect for the privacy of (potential) customers is the starting point for COURIUS in all its activities. COURIUS will only process your personal data in accordance with the legislation in force in this area.



Copyright ©

COURIUS highly encourages use and dissemination of our articles and/or services including our name. But there are also limits to this use. Therefore, we ask you to observe the following guidelines.

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Despite the constant care and attention COURIUS pays to the composition of this website, it is possible that information published on this site may be incomplete or incorrect.

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Complaint procedure

In addition to the general terms and conditions, COURIUS applies the specific terms and conditions per course for its courses/master classes. When registering for a course, the course participant is informed of these terms and conditions by e-mail. The conditions are also listed on the course information pages on our website.