Inspirational quotes

Quotes and quotations are powerful. In a few words you are prompted to reflect, get inspired, experience reflection and feel comfort. Or new insight arises. For yourself and for others.

The power of the quotes and quotations lies in the meaning the statement has for you personally. Which insights collected by us touch you? But also, which quote or quotation has touched you in the past? In turn, we would love to be inspired by you.

If you have come across a great quote or quote yourself that has made you think and that you would like to share with us and others, please send us a message. We look forward to receiving and posting your inspiration.

Enjoy the inspiration!


What clients say about us.

“My coach has guided me in transforming my business and the way I conduct my business. Where in the beginning the focus was on the dream, his coaching helped me make the decisions and steps I wanted to make but really didn’t dare. The passion and drive released in the process flowed effortlessly into my private life.”

Renatus Hoogenraad, Oprichter Sparks Training (Zwitserland)

These clients still send us Christmas cards


We are proud of our client portfolio and know we are connected to large, international brands but certainly also to clients who are less well known but just as ambitious and challenging. Check out all our references here.