Good Fit
Ron: ‘COURIUS is one of the external parties we collaborate with. We focus mainly on the individual. Marco was the first to join us and is an inspiring speaker with a passion for his work. He was followed by Jeroen Brink, with a solid corporate background, and recently Eddie van der Wereld, with a background in journalism, safety, and training & coaching. Marco and his colleagues connect well with our target audience; I hear from students that they are very satisfied with them.’
Ahlem: ‘At first, I wondered what I would gain from coaching in terms of leadership experience. I had never experienced it before. Marco was exceptional. He understood my doubts, shared his own story, which created a sense of similarity and trust, and asked insightful questions without giving answers or advice. His approach made me think about my leadership style and showed me that I could do things differently. Occasionally, he gave me exercises, such as mapping out my polarities. Initially, I didn’t see their importance, but after a year, I realized that it was exactly what I needed. Marco helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses and guided me to work on them at the right pace. After my initial skepticism, I was grateful for Marco’s coaching after two years. It had a profound impact on me, both professionally and in my personal life.’
Leading Differently
Ahlem: ‘Leadership means having a vision, being able to inspire people, and influencing them to move in a certain direction. To achieve this, you need to have the ability to listen first, and understand the situation. Then create a strategy based on your observations, and ensure everyone understands it and are involved with you to make it happen.
Before MaastrichtMBA, I thought that as a leader, I had to be the best, know everything, and do everything myself to inspire others. I am an energetic person and like to do many things simultaneously and expected people to do the same. It frustrated me when others couldn’t keep up. Now I realize that everyone has their own path and pace, and that’s okay. As a leader, you need to accept this, adapt, and help others progress at their own pace. This realization has improved my leadership style. While I am still energetic, I am more patient and supportive, giving others the time they need to develop well.’
Interaction Between Education and Coaching
Ron: ‘Throughout the MBA, you see a lot of movement. There is a beautiful interaction between the educational part and the coaching: students gain more knowledge and insight into all business processes, making them better discussion partners within their organizations. And because they also develop personally, they lead more consciously and effectively. I only see this from a distance, of course, as the exact content of each personal development journey is confidential, but I see students change compared to the intake interview, which I always conduct myself.’
Ahlem: ‘I finished my thesis in December, and when the position of Sales Director opened up in February 2024, I applied. It went very naturally. I see getting the job as a mix of coincidence, my hard work over the past three years, and the new knowledge and skills I gained during the Executive MBA.’
Smooth Cooperation
The collaboration with COURIUS is going well, Ron notes. ‘It runs very smoothly. We are getting to know each other better. One point of attention when working with external parties, in general, is to keep each other informed about developments and changes. These always continue, both with us and in their own business. Fortunately, we always find common ground.’ Laughing: ‘Sometimes a lot of emails go back and forth!’